I'll bet when you hear the words holiday hangover the first thing to come to your mind is the day after a big night of tropical breezes, sex on the beach and perhaps a cocktail or two.... just kidding. But you know what I mean.

Well this is not in fact the holiday hangover I am referring to. I mean the kind of holiday hangover where you've been away somewhere different and enjoyed things you don't usually enjoy at home. Perhaps, pre-dinner drinks and nibblies, perhaps after dinner cocktails or just hanging about somewhere nice in the sun reading a book or having an afternoon nap if you so please, that kind of thing. It doesn't even matter if it's a really big holiday or just a weekend break.... just an escape from your version of the everyday drudgery. Then you come home, unpack your bags and put a load of washing on. Everyone sinks so quickly back into their everyday roles and it feels like you've never really been anywhere at all.  

The kind of holiday hangover I refer to is

It's a bit hard to talk about what's happening in the life of a stay at home mum without making mention of the current talk of the town, the literary trilogy - 50 Shades of Grey.

It seems that everywhere I go someone has read it, is reading it or is about to read it. So in an effort to be able to participate in the discussions on these books when they came up, I gave in and started to read the books - purely for research purposes, of course.

I have completed reading the first in the trilogy which is 50 Shades of Grey and have begun on the second instalment which is 50 Shades Darker but the whole thing got me thinking about the marketing juggernaut these books have become and what's next. I know a couple of friends who have wondered what they are going to do once Christian Grey is no longer in their lives and what they will do to fill the void. So, I thought to myself it's a wonder some marketing guru has not come up with the next big thing, or perhaps a way of prolonging the 50 Shades experience, so on that thought I have come up with my top 10 ideas to kick it off...